How to Make a Sling for Your Arm
The purpose of an arm sling is to immobilize and protect an injured arm so that it can heal. Though broken arms are a common reason for wearing a sling, you don't necessarily have to have a broken bone to wear one - contusions, sprains, and dislocations can also require a sling. Regardless of the exact nature of your arm injury, a sling can be vital to your healing process because, in addition to supporting your arm as it heals, it provides a sign to others to treat your arm gently. See Step 1 below to get started making your own sling. 1. Using a Piece of Cloth as a Sling a. Find a suitably-sized square of cloth. This method uses a square of fabric to replicate the functionality of a real sling. Depending on your height and size, the precise size of the cloth you'll need can vary. For most people, a square of fabric that's roughly 40 inches (1 meter) on each side will work well. Ideally, you'll want a fairly inelastic piece of fabric - stretch...