Personal: How to Explore and Study Intention
Intention is a surprisingly important, but rarely explored part of the mind, as its significance is only important after the fact. Only once you've spent time observing it can you find just how it fits in to day-to-day living. Intention is a main stepping stone or foundation of the mind that is important to understand - start exploring it today. 1. Find out the ways you can best view intention as it happens. Meditation , particularly walking meditation, is excellent for this subject, but you can find other means such as observation and consideration in day-to-day activity. You can study the mind and mental themes, the body and body processes, or all of them together if you wish. In some cases this is often referred to as mindfulness , which is probably the most in-depth and practical way to study this subject as it is essentially an awareness of things in the moment as they happen. 2. Consider and try to identify two main types of inten...