Business Online : The Beginner's Guide to Pay Per Click Advertising Campaigns

More than ever it is critical for any business to have a strong web presence to connect and communicate with their fans and customers. While there are many methods for building a presence and driving traffic, one in particularly has been found by many business owners to be particularly effective: the pay per click advertising campaign. If you have recently begun the path of DIY online advertising, here is your complete beginner's guide!

Return on Investment

One of the biggest metrics to consider as you begin learning about pay per click advertising is that of return on investment or ROI. The basic premise is are you making more money than you are spending, and by how much? To calculate the ROI of your own advertising campaign, you would total the amount of revenue derived from your PPC ads, subtract the amount you spent on those ads to derive your profit. Then, you divide the profit by the total cost of the ads again, and multiply by 100 to find your percentage return. While it is definitely not sufficient in determining the health of an ad campaign, it is one of the more important measures an entrepreneur should be concerned with.

Setting Goals

Without a clear destination, it would be impossible to arrive. For that reason, one of the first steps you should take in designing your own campaign is to set some goals for your online business. What do you hope to happen as the result of these ads? In general, the bottom line for most businesses is sales, but there are a variety of ways to accomplish this. For instance, setting up an online shopping cart and using ads to drive traffic to it means that you can be taking orders for new products 24/7. Even while you sleep!

The Landing Page

Your landing page is the first page that web visitors see when they come to your website, and as such it is often makes or breaks your first impression with new online customers. Most entrepreneurs think to simply use the Home page of their site as the landing page for all of their PPC ads. However, this may be missing the customer's point of view entirely. First, you have to consider what a person is looking for when they click on your ad. If the ad is about lawn mowers, and lawn mowers are not featured heavily on the first page they come to, that customer is going to leave. Every click needs to be relevant.

The Keywords

With all of these other components in place, it is time to finally start researching and selecting keywords and using them to write your ad copy. When people find your business online, they usually do so by entering a search term made up of 2-5 words. Your goal is to come up with keywords that describe your business, and use those as the basis for your ad. However, there is often a lot of competition for short words, so choosing "long-tail" keywords of 3-4 words may help you select more profitable traffic niches.

If you want to know more about how to set up your own pay per click advertising campaign, the friendly professionals at have the tools and expertise to help you get started!

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