Healthy: How to Become an Acupuncturist
Acupuncturists use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat pain. They insert thin needles along the body's meridians, or energy vessels, to relieve tension, release energy and stimulate the body. Acupuncturists may help treat patients suffering from arthritis, headaches, asthma, lethargy, stress, carpal tunnel syndrome, menstrual discomfort or addiction. Requirements for acupuncturist licensure vary by state, but typically include an undergraduate degree, advanced acupuncture coursework, and board certification. If you want to become an acupuncturist, just follow along.
1. Meeting the Requirements
a. Make sure you have the skills to be an acupuncturist. This demanding and exciting profession isn't for everybody. If you want to be an acupuncturist, then there are a few personal qualities as well as varieties of people skills that you need to possess to truly succeed. If you want to know if you have what it takes to be an acupuncturist, then see if you have these qualities:
- Good hand-eye coordination
- Steady hands
- Excellent communication skills
- A passion for working with people
- While a bachelor's degree is ideal, some acupuncture schools only require two academic years of education at the baccalaureate level, or the equivalent, such as certification for a medical profession such as nursing.
- The requirements vary by program and state, so look in to the requirements in your state and program.
- When it comes to acupuncture, it is absolutely crucial to know exactly what to say to your patients and to understand when your patients are expressing discomfort or concern.
- For example, if you absolutely have to live in Delaware, you'll find that acupuncturists don't have any legal protection there beyond practicing with a "supervising" MD, so that might not be the best option for you.
- It doesn't matter where you get your bachelor's degree or your two years of coursework. But when the time comes to go to acupuncture school and get a license, you'll have to have your mind made up.
2. Getting Your License
a. Research the acupuncture licensing requirements in the state where you will work. Certification requirements vary widely by state. Some states require you to earn a doctor of medicine degree, while others only necessitate hourly coursework with supervised training. These requirements will dictate the path you need to take to be an acupuncturist in your state. But generally, your next move will be to apply to an accredited acupuncture college.
- If you're already a physician and would like to practice acupuncture, check out the American Board of Medical Acupuncture, which offers examinations and explains the standards for physicians who want to practice acupuncture.
- Make sure to apply to a postgraduate school approved by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM). The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine mandates that your training program be ACAOM accredited in order for you to become licensed. For a list of accredited schools, visit the ACAOM website.
- The only exception is California. If you want to practice in California, you'll have to take a specific Board Certification exam given in that state and meet all of the state's requirements to do so.
3. Succeeding in Your Career
a. Get a job as an acupuncturist. Most beginner acupuncturists start out working with an established practice to gain experience and build up a client base, while others establish their own practice right away. Acupuncturist jobs are typically easier to find in larger metropolitan areas than in small towns. Be patient. You may have to start with an apprenticeship or an internship to gain more experience to make yourself a desirable candidate.
b. Develop meaningful relationships with your clients. It's not easy to make a living as an acupuncturist, and if you want to survive in the business, then you have to remember that your clients are everything to you. You need to be polite, to learn a little bit about them and remember the things they've told you on previous visits, to be friendly and approachable, and to make sure they feel comfortable coming to your office time after time.
- After each visit, make sure your clients book a follow up appointment right away. This will encourage them to keep coming.
- Call up your clients the day before their appointments. This will greatly reduce the rate of no-shows and will show them you care.
- You can also get referrals from your clients. Ask them if they have any friends who would be interested in your practice. This is a great way to get even more clients.
- Attend any continuing education courses can give you valuable experience, even if they aren't business-related. Just as any field of medicine, acupuncture treatments are constantly evolving. Pursue continuing training to learn new strategies, improve your techniques and keep your skills current.
- If you know a few acupuncturists who would want to move to your business with you, you already have a leg up.