Tips: How to Be an Intelligent Teen
Intelligence is something which can be developed and derived from one's own experiences. Although there are a number of factors, including genetics, which decide this property of human beings, it is something you are free to improve and being intelligent is not all but acting intelligent is. If one wishes to become an intelligent teen, there are plenty of good ways of going about this.
1. Understand the meaning of intelligence and how it has to be applied.Intelligence is something which lies in one's approach rather than the actual attainments. Ask yourself whether you have a clear and defined way of approaching things. For example, your don't hesitate much while you are attempting a task, you think through the consequences ahead of the task and you trust your competence because you have honed it.
2. Follow the basics properly. Eventually, having a thorough grounding in the basics will do more you more good than knowing a heap of minutiae. Always remember what the genius of science himself used to say: "Learn the rules of the game first, and then play better than anyone else." Rules here simply refer to the basics or the fundamentals. You cannot do well enough if you have a weak foundation.
3. Avoid acting narrow-mindedly.This is exactly where many blunder.Sometimes you might be knowing what is right, but don't really allow your uniqueness to make impact because you are either bound by some blind faith or you lack the courage to make an attempt. Always try to stick to what is real. This is one of the very important steps if you are intending to display your wit.
4. Don't give up just because you don't like something. Since this period is marked by uncertain moodiness, there is occasionally a tendency to break down or destroy what you have already made. Do stop when you feel uninterested but develop a habit of resuming the paused task rather than giving it up all of a sudden. Above all, try to control your anger as far as possible as it can otherwise lead to very unpleasant and even unbearable situations.
5. Try to use the available resources effectively and properly. There is an unlimited scope of learning through the Internet. Make use of this facility if you are able to but don't believe all that you read. Besides that, know that intelligence is the sum total of different aspects of the brain, such as: thinking, reasoning, memory, calculation and imagination. Much of this can be improved upon by regular practice.
6. Remember that the studious ones are often intelligent. To be intelligent in mastering sharp matters requires experience and even some wonderful strokes of luck but in reality you are likely to be called intelligent only for the more consistent and regular aspects, such as studying and sticking to things that matter. In summary, you must work hard to obtain the most out of your studies.