Personal: How to Be Close to Flawless

Have you ever wanted to be flawless? While it's impossible to be completely flawless, this article will help you become close to flawless

1. For straight haired people, wash your hair every 2-3 days. Washing less frequently will lead to greasy hair, but washing it too frequently will deprive your hair of it's natural oils. Comb it daily, for a healthy shine. For curly haired people, wash your hair only as needed (product build up, after gym etc.) and use conditioner often. Curly hair loves moisture, if you have naturally curly hair, then do not comb it when dry, because it will make it frizzy.

2. For your eyebrows, comb and/or tweeze them regularly to keep them well groomed.

3. If you have red, bloodshot and/or itchy eyes, get eye drops and use them regularly. Get plenty of sleep to avoid puffiness.

4. Blow your nose, don't pick it. Always blow your nose before leaving the house and check to make sure there's nothing left. But don't blow your nose until it's raw and dry.

5. Every night put a little petroleum jelly on your lips before bed. You can also slather on any moisturizing lip balm.

6. Brush twice a day. Floss at least once a day. If you have very crooked teeth, see your orthodontist. Be prepared for braces or perhaps Invisalign. You might not like it, but you'll like the results.

7. If you have acne don't feel bad. Everyone gets pimples sometimes. Yes, even celebrities. Make sure to wash your face morning and night, use an oil free facial moisturizer, and go easy on the makeup (if you wear it).

8. What items you choose to wear isn't nearly as important as fit and colour.The colours of your clothes should look good on you as well as look good together. Don't wear any piece of clothing that doesn't fit you. Sizes are just numbers/letters, you're going to look and feel much better in clothes that fit you, even if that means going up a size or two.

9. Don't bite, rip or pick your nails! If it's a habit for you, get an anti-bite polish from the drugstore and keep it on all the time until your habit stops. Keep your nails trimmed and filed to a reasonable length. If your nails are painted touch them up in the evenings and remove the polish as soon as it gets beyond the point of touch ups.

10. Buy plain white cotton gloves and socks. Before you go to sleep put on a bit of lotion and then the socks and gloves. When you wake up, your skin will be really soft.

11. Makeup - Keep it natural! Do not wear foundation, it looks extremely fake on young people and often leads to more or worse acne. Just use concealer on any spots, a little bit of powder to keep the shine away, and some mascara and lip gloss. You can curl your lashes if you want to. Save eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick for special occasions.

12. Accessories - Earrings, rings, necklaces, and bracelets are up to you. Just be sure not to overload yourself, if you're wearing big or dangle earrings keep all other accessories to a minimum.

13. Shoes - Again, the style is up to you, just be sure they fit and are clean.

14. Exercise. Always remember to warm up and cool down! If you don't you'll be so sore after your workout that you might not be able to work out the next time you're supposed to.

15. Be kind to people. Don't ever bully anyone or gossip about someone. Don't yell at or make fun of people.

16. Compliment people! If someone is wearing an amazing dress or you love your friend's new haircut, tell them!

17. Treat people how you want to be treated.

18. Have good manners. There are many books on manners easily available. Pick up and read a few of them.

19. Do your schoolwork or regular work. Getting good grades will make you feel good about yourself, and it's incredibly important for your future. Get all assignments (school and work related) in on time.

20. Don't be afraid to ask others for help when you need it - and don't neglect to help others when they ask for it.

21. Your makeup (if you wear it) should be easy to do quickly. All you need is brown eyeshadow,black liquid eyeliner, lotion, lipstick, mascara, eyelash curler (if wanted) and pencil eyeliner. Be sure to slather some lotion on your entire face, even your eyelids! First for makeup apply the brown eyeshadow under the crease of the eyelid. Then open your eye and apply it to the crease of the lid. Do to both eyes. Now apply your pencil eyeliner to your waterline on both eyes. Apply the liquid eyeliner right next to your lashes. Curl your lashes first before applying mascara because applying mascara first makes your lashes brittle. Apply mascara. Do not open your eyes until mascara and liquid eyeliner is dry! Apply the lipstick now. Remember to use lotion and facial cleanser everyday. Always remember, no matter what, that you will always be beautiful. If you think you are fat, ugly, or stupid, you dont need to try to change yourself. You are not fat. You are slim. You are not ugly. You are beautiful. You are not stupid. You are smart. You are you.



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