Women : To Honor Mothers, Song Remembers Mom 'Forever'

In the spirit of Mother's Day, two songwriters are sharing with the world their lyrics to a song that commemorates and celebrates a mother's love.

Lyricists Neal R. Voron and Joseph F.M. Pokorny, of Philadelphia, PA, hope that children, both young and old, who read the words to "We Thought She'd Live Forever" will use the opportunity to re-connect with their feelings about and relationship with their mother and others who have been special to them throughout their lives.

The song, written primarily by Voron and modified and put to music by Pokorny, is a wistful reflection upon the loss of a mother for whom "time had cast... much too short a line".

"We thought we were so clever, we thought she'd live forever," the song laments the passing of time and of a loving mother who "seemed so grand and in command... But, suddenly, she left us quite in shock."

In the song, the mother's children realize, "All that's left are memories, faded pictures, but still we see the love she gave to everyone she knew."

Voron, 40, wrote the song in the late 1980's while contemplating how fast time seems to go by and how we often do not quite show as much appreciation for our loved ones as we would perhaps wish to have done before they are gone.

The children and mother referred to in the song, he said, are symbolic representations he used to express his own feelings regarding his mother, Babs, to whom the song is dedicated. He said he feels fortunate to have been able to share his thoughts with his mother personally through the song -- no one in specific actually died to inspire the lyrics.

Voron said he decided very recently to distribute the song's lyrics because he had never previously aggressively promoted the song and because he believes the lyrics could positively impact a large audience.

Individuals can obtain a copy of the lyrics for free by sending e-mail to: forever@voron.com or by visiting: http://www.voron.com/forever.htm

Sheet music for the song will soon be available in electronic format at the web site for a suggested voluntary payment.

Voron and Pokorny say they may make a recorded version of "We Thought She'd Live Forever" available in the near future if sufficient interest is shown.




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